Details (RL read field instructions carefully):
Come join us as we head east on a scenic and fun ride with lots of water views and a few different roads as we head from Jamesport to Cuitchogue and Mattituck. We meet in Jamesport at the George Young Community Center, which is just off route 25 - there is a traffc light and a gas staton on the corner by the turn to the Center.
We will stop in Cutchogue by Braun's and Black Sheep Bagel for a snack. Please bring hydration, snacks and an upbeat inquisitive attitude ready to explore.
Long term forecast is decent, but check back in by 7:30 on the morning of the ride for any updates.
I prefer if you text me at 917-921-5358 and let me know you are joining us. I usually forward the final ridewithgps file to all that text me.