Details (RL read field instructions carefully):
Due to rain forecast, maybe we'll ride, maybe not. B+ means cruise at 19-21, avg 18+-. Please, if you cannot do a B+ ride, then find an alternate ride, the trainer, or the gym perhaps. Please check this site at 7 am on Monday morning for any changes to the ride.
Things to remember: After pulling (2 min) drop to the back so everyone can get a chance to pull.
After making a turn or starting up from a stop, slow/soft pedal for a while so everyone can catch up easily. That's it for now.
Damn Rd is closed to traffic every day now so we will still detour using Connecticut, Mill Rd, and Rte 24 to Wildwood Lake. Coming back we will do the Pinehurst Blvd. detour for fun. (link is external)