Thanks for the input. Here's what we got.
Time: 8:30 am sharp
Place: SBRR
Distance: ~55 miles
Route: Heading east, stop in Wading River (or thereabouts), swing down south and make our way home. Probably pretty close to the SBRR-Manorville route.
Cue Sheet: We don't need no stinkin' cue sheet
Unstructured: Will regroup as needed. I can assure you there will be a regroup as well as a CPR class at the top of Little Flower. But I will be leading from the middle, if not the back, so riders are asked to be self sufficient.

Just consider this a placeholder for a B+/A ride for those who
- don't want to cross a body of water to ride a bike,
- don't want to ride 100 miles
I know we are a small, collectively odd group of weirdos ... but hey ... we have to stick together.
Where should we start?
I put down Stony Brook but I'm open to anything before LIE Exit 65. I got this thing about driving more than 1/2 hour to a ride a bicycle. I'll change the ride start if we decide on something else.
Where should we go?
Shall we pick a cue sheet from the website or does someone have a bit of homebrewed fun?
How long should we ride?
How 'bout something around 50±10 miles? Once we pick a route, I'll update the website.
Just reply to this thread and I hope to finalize our decision by Thursday evening.