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HBC Gold Coast Ride 2025 - Sunday, July 13, 2025

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    Joined: 03/22/2009 - 7:54pm
    HBC Gold Coast Ride 2025 - Sunday, July 13, 2025

    The Huntington Bicycle Club

    is excited to announce the

    2025 Gold Coast EAST
    taking place on
    Sunday, July 13th, 2025
    *Registration Opens, March 15th 2025, 5 PM*
    The first 250 Registrants will receive a free T-Shirt
    Note: Registration Closes, July 12th at 5 PM

    *There will be no registrations accepted the day of the event*

    Gold Coast East 2025 - 7/13/2025

    Start and end of the tour is one block from the Greenlawn LIRR train station

    with a purpose, while taking in the breathtaking views of Long Island’s
    historic Suffolk County Gold Coast. Whether you’re a seasoned cyclist
    or just looking for a fun way to support some great charities, any of
    these rides offer something for everyone.

    All routes head east, towards the Suffolk County North Shore.
    A fully supported ride that includes designated rest stops with food and comfort stations.
    All roads will be fully marked for the 25, 50,70, and 85-mile routes.
    A Ride Leader supported 12-mile route, in addition to a self-guided ride.
    All routes will have SAG rider support.
    RWGPS links for the 25, 50,702, and 85 will be posted the week before the event.
          New for this year: Gold Coast East 2025 Jersey!
          Pictures and sizing is on the website.

    Trial Tour Twelve Miles (12 miles)
    pleasant flat route meanders through Greenlawn, Commack and Elwood for
    12 miles. A ride leader will be available to guide those who are ready
    to start at 9:00 am. Novice cyclists will learn the rules of the road
    for group riding.
    Kings Park Ramble (25 miles) 1200 ft of climbing
    family-friendly excursion (without steep hills) exploring the
    neighborhoods of Fort Salonga, Smithtown, Kings Park, East Northport,
    and vicinities. Spectacular views highlight this route.
    Vintage Villages (50 miles) 2500 ft
    will also enjoy the harbors and hills as you pedal through a string of
    charming and historic villages, including: Smithtown, Head of the
    Harbor, Stony Brook and Setauket. Approximately 2500' of elevation.
    Grand Tour-Metric Century (70 miles) 3500 ft
    along Suffolk County’s North Shore Gold Coast. Enjoy the scenic views
    of Short Beach, Stony Brook Village, Stony Brook Harbor and The Old
    Field Light House. Approximately 3500' of elevation.

    The Big 8-0 Cycling Challenge (85 Miles) 4500 ft
    a challenging ride that takes you out to the quiet and beautiful
    villages of Belle Terre and back through Poquott and Port Jefferson.
    Harbors, hills, vintage villages, and water views provide many photo

    All routes begin, rain or shine, at Harborfields High School, Greenlawn NY.

    The start location is one block from the Greenlawn LIRR Station, easy access for riders coming from NYC.

    85 miles 7:00 am
    70 miles 7:30 am
    50 miles 8:00 am
    25 miles 8:30 am
    12 miles 9:00 am

    or SNELL approved helmets are required. Cycling safety & strict
    adherence to all cycling rules of the road are imperative. It is
    recommended that all riders bring water bottles and spare tubes. All
    participants must sign the waiver.

    Please support our Gold Coast Fund. A
    portion of the Gold Coast proceeds have been donated to several
    charities including: Long Island Cares, dedicated to serving Long
    Island’s food insecure populations; Dementia Society of America; New
    York Bicycling Coalition
    American Diabetes Association; and KIDS NEED MORE Camp Adventurean
    organization of concerned parents who created a camping experience for
    their children diagnosed with cancer and their siblings. Camp Adventure
    now serves the east coast and tri-state area. It remains one of the only
    camps of its kind to serve child cancer patients and siblings. 
    Visit our website for more info at:
    Steve Labiner
    Ride Chairman

    SBRA is a member of

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