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December 9th meeting of ASM-LI, with the topic of Custom Bicycle Fabriation by Jamie Swan (LIMWS, Webb Institute)

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    Dan O's picture
    Dan O
    Joined: 01/09/2009 - 10:30am
    December 9th meeting of ASM-LI, with the topic of Custom Bicycle Fabriation by Jamie Swan (LIMWS, Webb Institute)

    fyi y'all



    ASM International, Long Island Chapter

    The Wednesday December 9th meeting of ASM-LI
    is the annual "Companions Night", with the
    approachable topic of Custom Bicycle Fabriation
    by Jamie Swan (LIMWS, Webb Institute).

    Details about the meeting are posted at this URL:

    Please note the change in location and time.

    Please check the newsletter for details, directions
    to the location, pictures from the previous
    meeting, the upcoming schedule, a list of new members,
    and ads from several vendors. We thank these vendors
    for their financial support and thank Mel Cowgill (from BNL)
    for his continued effort in putting together the newsletter.

    The December meeting is soon upon us.
    The schedule is listed below and at this URL:
    Please check the dates, and mark your calendars.

    Please RSVP for this meeting to Peter Indrigo at:
    631-589-6666 or



    PS: Please feel free to forward this to a friend or coworker.


    December 2009 Companions Night
    Location: Copper Wok in Hicksville
    Speaker: Jamie Swan, Webb Institute, LIMWS, Webb Institute
    Topic: Custom Bicycle Fabrication
    Time: 6:30pm (social hour), 7pm (dinner), 8pm (meeting)
    Date: Wednesday 12/09/2009

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