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Registration Packet for Seagull Century ...

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    Stormnnorman's picture
    Joined: 11/10/2008 - 4:51pm
    Registration Packet for Seagull Century ...

    Those of us that were washed out for the 2015 Seagull Century received a complementary rider packet for the 2016 Seagull Century on Oct 8th. Unfortunately I have a wedding the following Sunday evening. I've done the Seagull Century in the past (it's a great event) and would really like to do it again but the 5+ hour drive after the ride might prove a bit much with my dancing Sunday evening ;-). If you haven't registered yet you can do me a favor and take the packet off my hands. The Seagull website has a procedure ( for transfer of registration and we will have to follow it for transfer.

    Thanks ...

    My contact info: nsamuels'at' or 631-988-6557

    ps.  If no one takes it off my hands I'll just be forced to do

    the ride ;-) 



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