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Pictures from Trish's and Andrea's Adventures Outside Long Island are Mounted ...

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    Stormnnorman's picture
    Joined: 11/10/2008 - 4:51pm
    Pictures from Trish's and Andrea's Adventures Outside Long Island are Mounted ...


    Here's what Trish had to say about the race she saw:

    “Mark Cavendish won the leg the day before. We were just told it would be near our hotel and roads would be closed. I decided I wanted to try to see them go by. It was warm that day. Probably  low 70s. I actually stood on a different road for an hour and a half but no riders! I was walking back to my hotel when I saw people standing along a road and a few minutes later, the ride came by! No one cheered or clapped. They just went by and that was that!” 

    Here's a website of the race if you're interested:

    Get through the six pictures of the far off racers to see Andrea ...

    Trish and Andrea, Thanks for the pictures and safe travels ...

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