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    20X's picture
    Joined: 03/28/2010 - 8:15pm
    More Questions

    Hello all.

    I apologize for another round of newbie questions, but curious minds want to know.

    For those who mountain bike as well as road bike, do you have issues going from 1 bike to the other? My Road bike has been fitted at Brands - and since I started, I find myself having trouble getting comfortable on my MtB - especially the day after a road ride. It gets to the point where I feel may need to buy a set back seat post or longer stem because I feel less extended and "cramped." I once felt as if I was pushing myself off the back of the seat. Before road riding, this never occurred.

    Wind Verses Hills - I enjoy riding at Heckscher SP. It is (about) half way from my job to my house (and allows me to avoid the Oakdale Merge during rush hour in the evening). Obviously the Outwash Plains is flat - but I do need to contend with a strong wind at times. Is this going to help at all when it comes to climbing?

    Is everybody going to make fun of me for wearing a helmet with a visor on the road? (O.K. this is not serious)

    I hope to meet some of you before the ride of silence. I will be leaving from Holbrook. Besides show up, is there anything else needed of me for the ride? I *think* I seen that black bands will be given out... correct? Who do we see?

    Anybody know where I put my new cleats? I can't find them anywhere!! hehe.

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