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    Michelle D.
    Joined: 03/18/2009 - 6:05am

    I wanted to reach out to our  members to let each one know that I am running for president.  My name is MIchelle DIttmar.  I Have been a member since 1990.  I have held a number of positions in the club over many years  and multple times was given volunteer of the year awards.  I have not been that active at meetings etc for many years because i did not care for the direction of the club, and that is what I would like to change.  My main objective is to make this a more member oriented organization as it was in the past.  I would like to see the direction the club members would like to take versus the direction the board members want to take.  Other objectives would include safety and fiscally responsibilty.  Also, that decisions made are fair for each member i.e. rules are not the same for everyone if you want to be a ride leader.  I hear many complaints about  the current regime from fellow riders who have asked me to run for president. If you want these complaints heard and acted upon choose me for the next SBRA president. Please feel free to text me at 631 524 0467 with any thoughts you may have.  Lets give SBRA back to it members.


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