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Bike Costa Rica

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    Dan R's picture
    Dan R
    Joined: 03/20/2011 - 9:04pm
    Bike Costa Rica

    One of our Ride Leaders, Ron Corella, is putting together a trip to Costa Rica in February.  Significant others and non-riders are welcome to join with separate activities during morning rides.  For anyone interested here are the details so far: 

    Depart Tuesday Feb 19:  Return Wednesday Feb 27

    5-6 B+/A rides

    $2150P.P. includes Airfare, Double Occupancy Hotel, Daily breakfast as well as Local transportation to/from airports, hotels, bike rides, and restaurants.

                  Not included: alcoholic beverages, bike rental in CR, nor Airline bicycle transportation fees.

    We need a firm count to secure pricing.  Pricing subject to change after Dec 15th.

    Ron will do his best to accommodate special requests, contact Ron at 917-515-1960

    Robin and John Shea went with Ron 2 years ago and had a blast.

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