The Nicholls Road BRT plan is to construct an HOV lane along the length of Nicholls road. The primary purpose of this lane would be to facilitate express bus service and thus alleviate some of the high volume of traffic. The HOV lane would have the same regulations governing it as the present LIE HOV lane.
The bike portion of the plan is as follows:
A north south bicycle corridor would be created paralleling Nicholls road. The corridor would be constructed along the existing power lines and would have a connection to the Setauket Greenway at the North end. The funding for the corridor construction is possible only if interest is shown. If completed the trail would link the Northwest portions of the proposed LI empire trail extension.
Please check out the following links to learn more and then be sure to fill out the comment card provided below or use the online comments option.
Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) website:
Nicolls Road Project:
April 2nd Meeting Materials:
Click here for the comment card.
Completed comment card can be mailed to:
Suffolk County Dept of Economic Development and Planning
H. Lee Dennison Building, 11th Floor
100 Veterans Memorial Highway
Hauppauge, NY 11788-0099
OR, you can submit your comments online at the following page: