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Tour of the Hamptons (Non-SBRA Event)

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    Amanda Pospischil's picture
    Amanda Pospischil
    Joined: 09/04/2017 - 1:07pm
    Tour of the Hamptons (Non-SBRA Event)

    The Massapequa Park Bicycle Club is having their Tour of the Hamptons ride this Sunday. I see a lot of familiar names listed on their registration. While this is NOT  an SBRA ride (no sign in sheet, no miles credit), it would be great for our SBRA members to start together.

    Meet at the Southampton High School by 7:30am and depart around 8am.

    Please note that you need to pay and register for the event and fill out a waiver which must be notarized. It is best to register and have your waiver completed and notarized before the day of the event.

    Here's the ride and route details: 2px center no-repeat; width: 10px; height: 10px; padding-right: 12px;">(link is external) 2px center no-repeat; width: 10px; height: 10px; padding-right: 12px;">(link is external) and 2px center no-repeat; width: 10px; height: 10px; padding-right: 12px;">(link is external)

    Feel free to call/text anytime. Hope to see you there.

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