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Video From St Baldrick's ride to Montauk!

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    John A's picture
    John A
    Joined: 02/15/2017 - 9:19pm
    Video From St Baldrick's ride to Montauk!

    Hi SBRA peeps

    I've put together a rollicking little video of the St Baldrick's Montauk team ride that took place May 13th (with an upbeat music track). You can find it on YouTube by using this link;

    Just click the link (or copy and paste in your browser) and spend 8 minutes zipping your way out to "The End" (Make sure your "Quality" setting is set to 1080P for best video clarity)

    Comments welcome, and maybe a few of you can join us when we do it again next year!

    John Accardo

    SBRA is a member of

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