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Why not have 2 levesl of SBRA membership

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    Bill G.
    Joined: 11/10/2008 - 5:07pm
    Why not have 2 levesl of SBRA membership

    I was thinking of a solution to solve the SBRA membership dues debate. Why not have 2 or 3 different levels of SBRA membership. THE deluxe membership could consist of a higher yearly set of club dues. Every club event will be payed for in this deluxe membership. There would be no need to pay fro any SBRA event rides. I am not shore what the cost of this Deluxe membership should cost. Maybe 100 dollars a year??? That price should be debated.
    The Basic membership would consist of the electronic newsletter and maybe one payed yearly event of the members choosing depending on BBB surpluses. The basic membership should grantee all SBRA club rights and privileges that the deluxe membership would have except they would have to pay for SBRA event rides.

    If any other event were to be covered for the basic members do to BBB and other club surpluses then the Deluxe members could be given money toward there next years membership. I would leave the family member ship at the present price level.

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