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Not A Ride Leader

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    Kevin's picture
    Joined: 11/22/2008 - 7:45pm
    Not A Ride Leader

    * FYI * Although I have not recently lead many rides, I have lead 100's of SBRA rides during my many (> 25) years as an SBRA member.
    I will not be leading any rides in the future. I have learned as I attempted to post a ride that I am not eligible to lead a ride.
    When I inquired, I was told it is because I have not taken the ride leaders course. With more than 1/4 million miles of riding in my legs and having lead 100's of rides, I am not planning to take a ride leader course.
    I did hear from Norm Samuels, telling me that I should be grandfathered in. However, I have not seen any action taken place regarding that, or even if the capability exists. It should be no more than setting a flag in my user record, or adding me to a list.
    I will continue to be an avid cyclist, but no longer an avid SBRA member.
    Thanks for listening.

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