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Awesome bike movie

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    Barbara W's picture
    Barbara W
    Joined: 03/17/2009 - 5:13pm
    Awesome bike movie

    Great mountain and road bike scenes. Well done movie with a message.

    THE POTENTIAL INSIDE is a riveting action-packed drama that takes you inside the never before seen world of Elite Bicycle Racing. Filled with spectacular race scenes through some of the most treacherous courses on the East Coast of the United States, THE POTENTIAL INSIDE is a powerfully moving and compelling drama that examines the heart and soul of a true champion. Reeling with grief in the wake of a tragic automobile accident, retired veteran cyclist, Chris Carmik, is given an opportunity he does not want, to train a rookie cycling prodigy. Preoccupied with battling his own inner demons, Chris reluctantly acclimates the prodigy, named Jake, to the fast pace world of Bicycle Racing. Using cutting edge technology and scientific training methods, Chris transforms Jake into a top contending cyclist. However, he struggles to teach Jake the most important lesson prominent in all champions-finding the true potential inside.

    To see the trailer of this dvd copy and paste this:

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