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In search of some "Heroes and Heroines

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    Pat B.
    Joined: 01/07/2009 - 11:05pm
    In search of some "Heroes and Heroines

    Seeing that Barbara Abraham's graveyard ride today is
    canceled. I was wondering if there was an interest in
    doing a "midnight ride" tonight of the same area. The
    meet location will be "Patriot's Rock" the location of
    which is across from the East Setauket Post Office. It is
    located about 50 yards west of Main st. and sits in a
    small section of woods. Be wary when entering this
    wooded trail for it is known to be inhabited by ghosts
    of the revolution. Facts have it that our own Three Village
    locals placed a cannon on top of this large rock and blasted
    away at the British who were occupying the Setauket
    Presbyterian Church at the time.
    Lanterns,shovels and bright visible clothing are required
    for this ride. All levels are invited but the ride is not
    recommended for the faint of heart. Oh almost forgot.
    Ride start will be on the stroke of 12 midnight indicated on
    the East Setauket Church clock tower. Hope to see a few
    brave souls there.

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