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Road ID $1 discount coupon

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    Ron's picture
    Joined: 10/09/2011 - 3:00pm
    Road ID $1 discount coupon

    I recently saw the Road ID link on the home page for the club site, and decided that it looked like a good idea and ordered one, Road ID has now sent me a coupon that I could pass along. Here's the coupon number:

    Coupon Number: ThanksRonald9717416

    The coupon is good for $1 off any Road ID order placed by 01/04/2012. To order, simply go to or click the link below:

    If you prefer, you can call them at 800-345-6335.

    Just thought I would share it with the club, in case anyone else was thinking of getting one.

    Be safe and enjoy the ride.

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