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Getting Time Right Entering Ride Via Smart Phone

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    Art Searle's picture
    Art Searle
    Joined: 01/15/2009 - 6:28am
    Getting Time Right Entering Ride Via Smart Phone

    I've heard many Ride Leaders have trouble getting the start time right when entering from an iPhone or iPad. One method it to cut and past the time in. However you can easily enter the correct Start Time directly.

    1. Click on the Start Time box

    2. Type the hour, example either 8 or 08

    3. Type a colon :

    4. The minutes portion of the Starting Box will now be highlighted so go ahead and type the minutes.

    The trick is the : If you try to click on the minutes and then type you'll get whatever the current time minutes are.

    73, Art, W2NRA
    Carpe Viam

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