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Lost Ride Sheet from My 12/16/12 Ride.... (Area 51 - Season 2, Episode 4: Another Helping of Fruitcakes)

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    Joined: 01/18/2009 - 8:26am
    Lost Ride Sheet from My 12/16/12 Ride.... (Area 51 - Season 2, Episode 4: Another Helping of Fruitcakes)

    Sorry about this, but we had sent several ride sheets together in the US Mail and they became lost. So I was able to reconstruct some of the data, but I am not sure of all the riders who were on my Sunday 12/16/12 ride. I know that Alison Gonzalez, Jim and Brian Drago were there, but I know there were others.

    SO (and I am counting on your honesty), if you were on the ride, email me at , and I will add your name to the list of ride participants. I want to make sure everyone gets the mileage credits they deserve.

    Again, my apologies, I guess you can't count on the Postal Service...


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