A re occuring discussion that comes up from time to time on rides in
the past are our favorite rides we have taken off Long Island.
In discussions people seem to be greatly interested in these rides but oft time
these discussions come up after registration has closed on these popular rides.
So with the year being fairly new I'm posting two very popular rides that sell
out every year and I'm hoping that some members can take advantage . If you
have a favorite ride or trip please share on this thread and make it a resource of
great rides for our members.
My first is the Tour de I'lle de Montreal June 2, 2013
Great ride and this year that weekend will be Bikefeast Montreal.
My second would be the "Flattest Century in the East". Sept. 8 2013
Another great ride in and around the Newport area of Rhode Island and includes a portion of Massachusetts as well. Very scenic with plenty of things to do and see before and after the event.
*** Rmk Some members have contacted to remind me that this ride certainly has some rolling hills mileage and that it would be a stretch to call this century entirely flat. Very do able though!
If anyone has any questions about these rides feel free to e mail me spokeman at optonline . net