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Bob Miller's Condition and Address

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    Joined: 11/10/2008 - 4:51pm
    Bob Miller's Condition and Address

    Below is an email from Bob's daughter ... Bob's address is: 380 Riverside Dr Apt 6Q, NY, NY. 10025 ... I'm sure he will appreciate hearing from all his SBRA friends.

    "Hello all,

    My dad is doing is doing well!

    The surgery was quick and without complication! He had some pain last
    night but hopefully is doing better today.

    I am unable to be with him right now because of work but will be
    seeing him later. I think his phone is currently off so let me know if
    you want me to get him any message in particular. Otherwise, I will
    keep you posted and I'm sure he'll be back on his feet (and his bike)
    before we know it!

    Take care.

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