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Bike Flat On Sunday's Ride and a Big Thank You To All SBRA Riders

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    Lori S
    Joined: 02/01/2009 - 9:47pm
    Bike Flat On Sunday's Ride and a Big Thank You To All SBRA Riders

    Thank you all so very much. As new SBRA members we have been riding with Shannon on Sundays and Josie and Bob on Saturdays. We've met many nice SBRA members, but today we found out first hand how terrific SBRA truly is. We almost made it back when Marianne had a flat. Marianne, Roberta and Janine started working on the flat and a group of SBRA riders coming our way immediately offered assistance, but we thought we could handle it since we watched videos on how to change a flat and Janine even took a class, so we said thank you we're okay, but we weren't the fastest tire fixers. Fortunately, Mr. and Mrs. Krieger came riding through, stopped and helped, then a homeowner offered his assistance and told me his son rode the Century with SBRA last year (sorry I didn't get his name). Off we go and Steve arrived and rode with us. He had already finished his ride, and knew that we hadn't returned to the parking lot so he rode back for us. Shannon also made sure we were okay and did not leave until we were all safely back. Myself, Marianne, Roberta and Janine had a great ride, laughed, and can't wait to ride again, but we really wanted tell you all THANK YOU.

    Lori Weisinger

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